A broad range of policies and procedures are implemented at Mackay North State School.
Before and after school policy (PDF, 465 KB)
Dress code (PDF, 465 KB)
Excursion policy (PDF, 631 KB)
Grounds policy (PDF, 459 KB)
Healthy food (PDF, 512 KB)
Homework policy (PDF, 528 KB)
Mobile phone and personal device policy (PDF, 460 KB)
Medication policy (PDF, 999 KB)
Request to administer medication at school (PDF, 85 KB)
Student leader selection policy (PDF, 515 KB)
Student repeat policy
Sun Safe Policy (PDF, 443 KB)
Student awards are presented at the end of year celebrations. Specific criteria must be met in order to be eligible for these awards.
Cultural awards (PDF, 124 KB)
Overall academic award (PDF, 102 KB)
Sally Tagney star student award (PDF, 88 KB)
Scholastic awards (PDF, 97 KB)
Spirit of the Rats of Tobruk award (PDF, 61 KB)
Sports awards (PDF, 119 KB)
Student awards policy (PDF, 150 KB)
Sue Stevenson cross country award (PDF, 110 KB)
Year 5 all rounder award (PDF, 86 KB)